Tools for Stagecraft

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Electrician's Tools

  • Ultimate Ratcheting Focus Tool
  • Lanyard safely attaches tools to your belt
    Belt Clip Lanyard
    Average rating:
    average rating 100%
  • curved head wire cutters excellent nail pullers
    Channellock 447 Dikes$24.95
    Unique curved jaw increases your leverage.

    The Channellock 447 curved jaw diagonal cutters are terrific especially when it comes to pulling nails. Increased leverage helps you get out nails driven into corners and other hard to access places. Got yourself in a tight situation? Use your Channellock 447.

  • Thomas and Betts Stripper and Crimper
    Thomas and Betts Stripper/Crimper$59.95
    It's a stripper. It's a bolt cutter. It's a crimper.
    Simply the best tool of its kind.

    My favorite feature on this superb tool is the wire cutter at the tip of the tool where it belongs. Allows you to work in tight places. Crimps insulated and non-insulated Sta-Kons. Cuts threaded bolts cleanly and easily. Wire strippers for various gauge wire. Locks in closed position for storage. Truely the best.
  • Klein Ratcheting Cable Cutter
    Klein Ratcheting Cable Cutter$299.95
    Cuts electrical cable up to 4/0 in size with one hand.

    Cutting 4/0 electrical cable cleanly is no easy job. Unless of course you're using the Klein Ratcheting Cable Cutter!

    Make simple work of cutting or stipping electrical cable up to 1 1/4" thick. Cut through 4/0 with ONE HAND.

    The ratcheting cutter closes like a pair of handcuffs. It tightens and cuts through the thickest cable as you ratchet it closed with one hand. And here's another great feature: you can stop at any point and remove the cable--that means you can strip cable with this cutter too!

    Every head electrician should have one.
  • circular wire strips and slits cable up to 4/0 size
    Circular Wire Stripper$59.95
    Stripping rubber-jacketed cable has never been easy, until now.

    Strip any size cable up to 4/0 with ease. Pull out the spring-loaded angled keeper and release it into place around the cable. Spin the stripper around the cable until it's cut to the depth you've set. Then just push the lever to turn the blade 90 degrees and pull the stripper off the cable. Voila! The insulation is cut all the way from the circular cut lengthwise to the end of the cable. Never use dangerous razor blades again.
  • Wavetek DM73B Digital Multimeter
    Wavetek DM73B Digital Multimeter
    Average rating:
    average rating 100%
  • Silent Santronics Tick Tracer non-contact electrical presence
    Santronics Tick Tracer$29.95$19.00
    Checks for electrical current without breaking the connection.

    A "volt tick" is a handy tool that belongs in every electrician's toolpouch or shirtpocket. Got a bad lamp? Check to see if it's getting current quickly and easily by just TOUCHING THE CABLE with the tip of the tester. It tests for voltage right through the insulation!

    The Santronics AC Sensor is powered by two AAA batteries. To replace the batteries, just unscrew the white cap. The The Santronics is always ready for use. It never has to be turned on or off. If there's current passing though the cable the entire white tip will glow a steady red.

    FAQ: John, I'm confused. I can't decide which "volt tick" to buy. Can you offer any help?
    Sure, it's really a matter of balancing personal taste with the situations you think you'll be using it in most. The Greenlee with its audible ringer is a good choice especially while focusing. There are always situations when you need to check a cable, but can't see the tester because you're blocked by the light. The ringer solves that situation. On the other hand, if you're working shows that are inherently quiet (soaps, theatre) the silent Santronics allows you to check cables without worrying about the noise of a ringer. I carry both the Greenlee and Santronics in my tool bag because I never know what situation I might be in.
  • Greenlee Tick Tracer
    Greenlee Tick Tracer$31.95
    Checks for electrical current without breaking the connection.

    A "volt tick" is a handy tool that belongs in every electrician's toolpouch or shirtpocket. Got a bad lamp? Check to see if it's getting current quickly and easily by just TOUCHING THE CABLE with the tip of the tester. It tests for voltage right through the insulation!

    The Greenlee is powered by two button batteries. To replace the batteries, just pull off the black cap. Turn the Greenlee on by sliding the plastic protector up and then pressing on the metal shirt clip. If there's current passing though the cable you'll get an audible ring AND a flashing red light.
  • edison PBG parallel blade grounded tester
    Edison PBG Tester$12.95
    Standard grounded Edison plug tests for correct wiring.
    Checks for open ground, open neutral, open hot, hot/ground reversed, hot/neutral reversed. And, of course, tells you if everything's OK.
  • Plug Pilot Light.  Plug it in and it glows.  Can be used on the ends of extension cords too
    Plug Pilot Light$5.95
    Always know when your plug is "hot."

    When I first saw these built into the ends of extention cords I thought they were the best idea I'd seen in years. Another one of those "I wish I'd thought of that!" situations.

    The only problem was that you had to buy all brand new extention cords in order to get the advantages of the built in pilot light. Not anymore! Here's a plug pilot light that you can just plug into your extention cords (or wall outlets, etc.) and turn them into the most up-to-date equipment possible and at a fraction of the cost. Great for use as a simple tester too.
  • Rotary Gel Cutter
    Rotary Gel Cutter$29.95
    Razor sharp. Holds an edge much longer than ordinary blades because it's round.

    The Fiskars Rotary Gel Cutter has a sharp circular razor-edged blade that's really smooth when cutting gel, tape, cloth, paper, etc. Just roll the cutter across your gel for a fast accurate cut.

    Comforable loop grip allows you to handle the gel and cut it without putting down the tool. Blade can be mounted on either side of the tool for "lefties" or "righties" and it stays sharp longer than the conventional mat knife because the round blade give yur 5 1/2" of actual cutting surface instead of cutting on exactly the same spot as you do with a mat knife. Standard size hub allows you to use any brand of replacement blade. Rotary Gel Cutter comes with one blade. Spare blades are also available. Lifetime warranty by manufacturer.
  • Rotary Gel Cutter Blade
    Rotary Gel Cutter Blade$8.95
  • Large Multi-Pocket Bag
  • 3/8 inch sister lug key
    Sister Lug Key - Hex 3/16 inch$14.95
    3/16" Hand held T-handle wrench primarily used by film electricians on sister lugs. Only 6" long.
  • Klein Ratcheting Box wrench
    Klein Ratcheting Box wrench $34.95
    Used primarily in Motion Pictures for sister lugs. Also handy in the theatre. This ratchet wrench will fit the set screw on C-clamps no matter which size bolt head you encounter.
    Square box fits 1/4" and 3/8" studs as well as 5/16" and 3/16" #22110 Ratcheting Box Wrench $29.95
  • Socapex Six Circuit Tester Pair is needed to test cable by itself
    Socapex six circuit tester - pair
    Average rating:
    average rating 60%
  • Lightspeed wrench.  one of the original multi lighting wrenches.
    Lightspeed wrench$62.95
    (Formerly the TODD Lightspeed Wrench)

    Here's a wrench that's a favorite among film technicians because it was made to fit sister lugs, but the sizes make this a theatrical and television favorite as well.

    Three ratchet sizes -- 3/4", 1/2", 3/8" Angled handle prevents banged knuckles.